About Us


The National Library and Information Services comprises branch libraries of varying sizes and the National Literacy Services established in 1999. The main role of the National Library and Information Services is to unite libraries in New Providence and the Family Islands into one modern, automated system, offering quality, standardized services in all islands.


To provide ready access to quality resources and services for all persons throughout the Commonwealth of The Bahamas in order to meet their intellectual, information and cultural needs; and to promote a spirit of sharing, cooperation and commitment to quality services among all stakeholders.


To access a library system with a full complement of staff, possessing skills and competencies to meet the information and technological age of the 21st century.

Our motto is “Quality staff and service are hallmarks of good public libraries.”

Value Statement

Early Learning: We value the acquisition of basic learning tools in the promotion of literacy at an early age of a child’s life through play and discovery methodologies.

Accessibility: We value access to books in all formats and information in its various forms and media.

Excellent Service and Good Ethics: We value excellent and accurate service to our users, open and clear communication and good ethical behavior must be portrayed by every employer and employee. ‘Honesty is still our best policy’.

Caring and Courteous: We value a kind, caring and courteous behavior at all times toward our fellow men, co-workers, patrons/users and all whom we come into contact with


Users have access to the following:

  • Book loans and other library materials
  • Inter-library loans
  • Children’s programmes
  • Research tools
  • Newspapers and periodicals
  • Bahamian and West Indian materials
  • Internet services
  • Photocopying
  • Audio-visual equipment
  • Laminating services
  • Government documents, for example PSC 7 form