Using the Libraries

UNESCO’s manifesto for public libraries, states that a public library is “a local information centre which provides its users with basic conditions for learning throughout their whole life …, and its services are based on equal access to everybody regardless of their age, race, sex, religion, nationality, language or social status.”

Libraries main aim is to assist in developing literacy, supporting formal education and lifelong learning. To receive maximum benefit from your local library,

Get a library card

  • Explore the library system’s website,
  • Find out what services are being offered and use the printed and non-printed materials along with online or electronic resources such as databases, e-books and the like.
  • Access job opportunities online

Connect to WIFI

  • Use the Internet to search for information to assist with Homework assignments and school projects
  • Attend an educational or entertaining event at your community library
  • Ask a Librarian to assist you with a research question or a project